The Aquarius Super Full Moon on 19th August 2024 is here to raise your vibrations high! This huge, rare energy will shake you awake and have you moving into a deeper state of surrender, trust and flow. Being the last Full Moon before eclipse season begins, I encourage you to lean into this Full Moon energy, as much as possible. To release all control and surrender to what's coming up for you and where you're being guided. You've likely already felt it's intensity building over the past few days and may have even been lucky enough to witness it's beautiful, big and bold light shining down upon you. This is a Super Moon, meaning it's closer to Earth and therefore appears bigger, brighter and it's energy is more intense than a usual Full Moon.
So what does this all mean...
Aquarius is an Air sign, Air signs in general are highly intelligent, social, creative, have lots of ideas and inspiration tends to flow easily to them, but as with all signs there are shadow sides to this and with Air signs they can often get stuck in their heads. Ideas and inspiration may flow, but they often struggle to move these ideas from their head to their heart and then subsequently out into the world. This Full Moon is asking you to lean into this, to take all those wonderful ideas that are unique and special to you and to really allow them to shine out into the world for all to see, experience and enjoy! Remember how truly amazing you are, that only you can do you and that the world needs your light, ideas and inspiration, so let them flow!
This Full Moon is also asking you to take time out to nourish, nurture and love yourself. What do you need right now? Where is your heart calling? Can you take time out just for you? In taking time for you, it will be easier to connect to your inner light, to the flame burning inside you and to where you're being asked to flow, surrender and trust.
But there is also an intensity to this Full Moon that you may have been feeling, which is coming mostly from Uranus, the Ruler of Aquarius and the planet of change, awakening and upheaval being very active within this energy. Uranus likes to shake things up, especially if you've been sleep walking through life a little recently, it's here to shake up the things in your life that you know need to change, the things that just aren't serving you anymore. It's here to reignite the fire within you, to move you into a deeper and more meaningful life, one of alignment and heart focus. What do you feel stirring deep within you right now? Where are you being called to shake things up? What no longer feels stable in your life? Where you can I encourage you to lean into the upheaval, the chaos, the unfamiliar, unknown and to any changes that are presenting themselves. You don't need to have all or any of the answers, this energy is asking you to fall into a deep state of surrender and trust. To flow with what's coming up, where you're being guided, lean into the challenge, all the changes and to keep coming back to a state of trust. Trusting that all is happening for your own higher good and to raise your vibrations higher than ever before! You've absolutely got this, lean into your power and step out of your comfort zone!
For me, this Full Moon, although intense, is such an exciting one! It's time to get really excited about your life, your path and the journey you're about to embark on. It's likely this Full Moon will spark a change within you, if you're able to truly lean into it's power. Remember, release control and allow yourself the opportunity to surrender and fully trust in the next chapter of your life. It's magical, abundant, heartfelt and more in alignment with who you came here to be! Know that you are always supported and every challenge you are going through right now is only here to support your higher self and raise your vibrational energy higher than ever before!
I wish you all the most magical, life changing and supportive Aquarius Super Full Moon!
With so much love and gratitude, from my heart to yours,
Vicky xx